Shacks Joke Pad

***WARNING*** As the title states this is my Joke Pad. It contains jokes I have collected over the years from all different sources. This blog is for the open minded who dont take offence. If you are offended easily please look else where. This blog is not politically or morally correct it's just me having a laugh and hoping you have a laugh as well. ANY PICTURES OR JOKES YOU'D LIKE TO SHARE PLEASE SEND THEM TO-

Saturday, October 18, 2008

New Job

A man, having applied to join the police force in a small south Texas town, is being interviewed.

The Chief says 'Your qualifications are first-class but there is one test that you must pass before I can recruit you.' Sliding a small bag across the desk, he continues 'Take this gun, go out and shoot six illegal immigrants, six suspected felons, and a rabbit.'

The man says 'Why the rabbit?'

'Fantastic attitude!' says the Chief. 'When can you start?'


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